Wednesday, January 6, 2021

8 Body Language Signs That He Loves You

 By Slade Shaw

Author of Why Men Pull Away

“Emotion looks the same whether you’re a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on our faces.” - Cal Lightman, “Lie To Me”

Men: aren’t they a handful?

If you’re not stressing out over their will-he-or-won’t-he-commit antics, they’re giving you mixed signs about how they feel.

It can be frustrating trying to decode what a man says because unlike women, he’s not as emotionally expressive. So, he may be feeling one way, but his words suggest otherwise.

But it’s not that he’s trying to mislead you on purpose. The problem is that most guys grew up not learning how to communicate their feelings.

So that leaves a lot of room for misunderstandings and unspoken sentiments.

Sometimes, even he doesn’t know what he’s feeling at the moment and has a hard time sorting them out.

That makes it even more challenging for a guy to give you the real deal about where you stand with him.

On top of that, your guy might be particularly shy or terrified at the thought of getting turned down (something common among men).


Missed signs, Missed opportunities


With so much getting in the way, it’s easy for you to misread his signs and take it for romantic interest – which of course, will put a huge, AWKWARD wedge between you two.

Or maybe the signs were flashing right in front of you, but went over your head.

And when you finally realized it after the fact, it was too late and the proverbial ship had already sailed.

If either of those things have happened to you, don’t fret. Plenty of women have had their dreamboat get away from them on account of this pesky problem.

But there is a way to read your guy like a book so you when he’s giving you the green light…

...or if you should take a detour and move on.

While his words can be ambiguous, his BODY is another story. Everything he does sends a clear message of how he’s REALLY feeling.

Dr. David Givens, Ph.D., author of “Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship”, says that humans give off these non-verbal cues during the courtship phase as a way of “feeling out” a potential mate.

There’s a certain rhythm to it, much like how animals engage in mating rituals.

In other words, it’s in our DNA, and humans have been playing this game for as long as we’ve been on this planet.

And if you want to win big time, the trick is to learn the crucial signs that tell you your guy is, in fact, feeling it.

If you can identify the signals as he gives them off, you’ll know exactly how to plan your next move.

Best of all, these signs are just as legit whether you’ve known him for some time, like a colleague or mutual friend…

…or that hottie who walked into the coffee shop five minutes ago.

With that, let’s get into the 8 Sure-Fire Body Cues He’s Into You:


#1: What do his eyes tell you?


Before anything else, he’s going to scope the scene. So your guy will try and get a feel of things by making eye contact.

If he’s trying to make a visual connection, that’s him reaching out and checking if he can move on to the next step.

He’ll usually start with a tentative glance, connect with you, then look somewhere else.

And when he looks at you again, it’s game on!

Personally, I’m not a fan of the whole check-his-pupils-if-they’re-dilated business. It’s not like you can walk up and start observing him like a lab rat.

Anyway, the important thing is that he’s got that look that says he wants to reach out and touch you - which brings us to the next sign…


Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you... 


#2: He’ll want to get up close and personal


Alright, so his next move is getting in your space, but in a friendly and non-threatening way.

Maybe you’re telling him something during a conversation and he’ll get in closer to hear you better.

But if you’re 100% audible within earshot and he STILL gets in to listen, that’s different.

That’s him instinctively trying to get into your comfort zone in a casual manner. It’s all very subtle and chances are he’s not even aware he’s doing it.

But all the same, humans use physical proximity as a yardstick of emotional closeness. And a guy going the distance is probably on the path to being more than friends with you.

This could be a man who checked you out at the bookstore or grocery aisle and made some chit-chat – or a long-time friend trying to escalate things further.

It doesn’t matter. Speaking of escalation, let’s move on…


#3: He’ll turn things up


Ok, let me back up a bit first. Most men grew up not really having the benefit of physical affection as much as women do.

While women are usually more keen to express themselves through touch - and getting that in return – guys aren’t in the same position.

That’s just how it is and there’s nothing wrong with that. It does, however, put your man in a position where he’s, in a way, “starved” for this kind of attention.

That’s why when he’s in the presence of someone he digs, he’ll naturally gravitate towards her.

More importantly, if your guy feels THAT way for you, he’ll try to make contact in “small” ways.

It’s going to be low-key, like brushing against your elbow…

…tapping your shoulder to get your attention…

…a playful jab when you’re joking around…

…or squeezing your forearm ever so lightly for a microsecond when he’s making a point in a conversation.

Also, your smooth operator is going to gauge how you react. So if you’re feeling it too, help him out by responding favorably.

He knows he’s treading on unfamiliar ground, which is why your man is dying to get a sign of hope from you - just saying…


#4: He’s got a different vibe around you


Do you sense your guy’s a bit on edge, or isn’t at ease as he is with other people (e.g. his buddies, co-workers, etc.)?

Or maybe he’s acting a bit awkward, stammers a little and his voice has a nervous pitch to it…

If your man’s like this with you, and NOT with anyone else, then he sees you differently from them – and that’s a GOOD thing.

He’s feeling a special kind of pressure that only comes with someone he’s in love with.

You might not realize that while he’s talking to you, he’s racking his brains trying to think of the perfect response.

So he might end up tripping over himself trying to impress you. In his mind, he wants to be that funny, charming guy he thinks you want him to be.

And you’ll probably notice that he can’t keep his hands still either. He’s either ramming his straw in his drink, chewing his lip, tapping his foot while he’s seated, twirling a pencil between his fingers, or running his hands through his hair.

If you’re noticing any of this, try to put him at ease. Trust me, a little encouragement goes a long way with a guy.

Once he knows he’s still in the game, he’ll eventually overcome that awkwardness and sweep you off your feet.


Click here to discover the sure-fire way to make him stay... 


#5: He’s trying to look his best


Look at the way he’s standing in front of you. If he appeared laid back and relaxed before you showed up, he might suddenly act like there’s an invisible hanger in the back of his shirt.

Aside from that, he’ll be showing off his glorious pecs by sticking his chest out.

He’s unconsciously broadcasting his masculine features in the hopes of getting your attention, not unlike peacocks who flaunt their feathers to attract a mate.

You might even catch him fixing his hair or smoothing out his shirt with his hands if he knows you’re nearby.

I call it the “Drill Sergeant Effect”: when you walk by, he’ll snap at full attention and wouldn’t dream about disappointing you.


#6: Everything else fades into the background


You know how it is in cartoons or movies when the guy’s love interest is talking and he’s practically hypnotized from watching her lips move?

For further comedic effect, it’ll turn dead silent right before cheesy romantic music starts playing.

Meanwhile, the poor guy’s sitting there, mesmerized. He couldn’t find a way out of her eyes even if he had a map!

So what I’m trying to say is that you kind of have the same effect on a guy, and it SHOWS.

He’ll make you feel like you’re the most important person in the room.

Well, that’s because you ARE that important to him, and he’ll be hanging on to every word you say.  It’s like nobody else is there because you have his FULL attention.

He’ll nod, laugh and give you a healthy dose of ‘uh-huh’, ‘yeah’, ‘oh’ and ‘wow’ to let you know he’s really listening to you.


#7: He’ll be ‘in sync’ with you


No, he’s not going to try to win you over by singing and dancing like a certain boy band.

(A little 90s reference there… *wink, wink*)

Ok, semi-funny jokes aside (you chuckled a little, admit it), a guy in love will try to match your pace in a couple of crucial ways.

First, he’s going to walk alongside you at a slower pace.

Weird, right? But it’s true.

This might be a situation where you ran into each other by chance, or you’re both headed in the same direction for some reason (like running an errand together or something like that).

Whatever it is, he’s likely to adjust his speed, usually by slowing down.

According to a Seattle Pacific University study entitled “Energetic Consequences of Human Sociality: Walking Speed Choices among Friendly Dyads”, men have generally evolved to either speed up or slow down for their partner so she doesn’t have to waste any precious energy.

So what that all means is that he’s doing this for your benefit, and it’s a privilege reserved only for YOU.

And here’s another interesting tidbit about sexual attraction: he’s going to try and match YOUR body language as well.

He’ll be doing what you do, like leaning forward when you’re sitting across each other, or have his hands on his hips like you while standing up.

It could even extend into verbal territory, like trying to TALK like you.

For instance, he’ll start using your favorite expressions - that’s him subconsciously expressing his desire to establish rapport with you.

That way, you’ll feel more comfortable around him.

And finally, the last big thing to look out for…


#8: He’s…“open”


Nothing like a vague sign to end things on an anticlimactic note, am I right?

(Just kidding…last one, I promise!)

Yeah, so you’ll notice that he’ll avoid any gestures that might suggest that he’s closed off to you in any shape or form.

He’s not going to blow his chances by sending any message along the lines of “go away!”

His arms won’t be crossed and he’ll sit back in his chair to look relaxed (even though his heart’s racing), and his feet are pointed towards you.

Oh, and he’ll probably have a big old smile plastered on his gorgeous mug. And it’s not the polite kind of smile, either.

I’m talking about the holy-cow-I-can’t-believe-you’re-actually-here-and-I-hope-this-moment-never-ends kind of smile that you can’t miss.

Men have a knack for flashing those pearly whites because they’re a signal they’re truly grateful for sharing the same air as you.

That might sound a little needy or desperate, but believe me, a guy couldn’t care any less about feeling this way about you.

In those precious moments, time seems to freeze and nothing else matters to him except YOU. He’s in awe of you and it’s nothing short of MAGICAL for him.

His body will show it, and that expression on his face will tell you.

If you’re seeing more than half of these signs, then you’ve got a good thing going for you.

But what if you USED to see these signs, and the magic has faded a bit?

He had that warmth about him before, but now things have gotten a little chilly.

Or worse, he might even be showing signs that he’s PULLING AWAY.

Don’t despair though – it’s not the end of the world…or your relationship.

You see, I’ve helped plenty of women figure out exactly why guys leave, and it’s NOT for the reasons you think.

The truth is that you can spot these signs immediately AND keep him from walking out the door.

Better yet, you can make him feel like he’s falling in love with you all over again. Then he’ll give you those body language signals of affection all day, every day.

It all starts by watching this free video I just put up:

Find out why he wants to leave – and how to win him back – CLICK HERE 

Monday, December 21, 2020

4 Traits Women Have (That Men Routinely Fall In Love With)

 By Slade Shaw

Author of Why Men Pull Away 

“Falling in love is easy. Falling in love with the same person repeatedly is extraordinary.”
- Crystal Woods

Aspasia was a famous woman in Greek history who lived during the 5th century.

She wasn’t just known for her knock-out looks, but also for her beautiful mind and razor-sharp wit.

More than that, her life gives us a look into how women of ancient Greece used to roll back in the day.

Originally hailing from Miletus (now known as Turkey), she came to Athens and became a courtesan to influential figures like Pericles, a well-known figure at the time.

Soon enough, Aspasia made a name for herself as she got to know the crème de la crème of Greek society.

Politicians, philosophers, high-rollers - and of course, lovestruck men - naturally gravitated towards her.

Few could resist Aspasia’s beauty and her legendary talent for thought-provoking conversation.

In fact, no less than Plato mentioned her on more than one occasion in his writings. Some scholars even argued that he based one of his fictional characters on Aspasia.

Fast forward to more than a thousand years later, and people are still talking about her.

You don’t get to have that kind of historical impact without wielding some serious mojo.

The natural ability to attract men is so powerful because it goes past culture, beliefs or values.

It’s almost an unfair advantage, really.

Having the RIGHT TRAITS basically gives you the power to tap into a guy’s mind…

…and flip his subconscious switches that tell him how ridiculously attractive you are.

And here’s the thing: those switches have been there since time began.

They’re in the same category of switches that tell a guy when to eat, sleep, fight, or flee.

In other words, it’s PRIMAL.

Once you trigger those instincts, he’s powerless from feeling overwhelmingly attracted to you.

These attraction signals transcend history and have stood the test of time.

But enough talk – let’s get down to it…

Here are The Top 4 Traits That Make Him Love You (Again and Again):


Click here to discover the sure-fire way to make him stay... 


#1: Be Classy, Not Trashy


When it comes to instincts, it’s not just about foraging for food or fighting off wild animals.

Part of our brain is also designed to perceive status - and sexual attraction overlaps a great deal with that.

This goes back to ancient times, and being part of a group conveyed a certain status.

So someone who possessed more “social currency” than others had elated a specific psychological response.

It’s not just about having actual money, mind you - although it did have a little bit to do with that.

Higher status also involved other subliminal cues, like hygiene, intelligence, emotional maturity and so on.

These were signals that told men that she was an Alpha Female, so to speak.

Aspasia carried herself with grace, eloquence and dignity. She wasn’t born into nobility, but she came out on top anyway because of these collective traits.

Even though she had her share of haters back then, she let criticism roll off like water on feathers.

Women also size up potential partners in the same way, too.

Masculine traits such as strength, sense of direction and protectiveness appeal to women on a primal level.

This also harkens back to the days of tribal societies. Women traditionally had to depend on the father figure to keep them safe from immediate threats like starvation or bandits.

Obviously, a LOT has changed since then, and that model doesn’t really apply anymore.

But our evolutionary brains tell us otherwise. Deep inside, a part of us still need to check off that list before we can give someone the green light.

That said, if you can cultivate a personality built on feminine strength, flirty playfulness and a good old dose of classy…

…then you’d be hard-pressed not to have a bunch of guys fighting over you.


#2: Let him see the REAL you


It’s not easy to let a guy see your softer, more sensitive side. It might feel like opening a can of worms when you’re with someone you don’t really know that well yet.

But part of connecting with a man on a deeper level involves sharing things that you wouldn’t tell anyone else.

And of course, I’m not saying you should launch right into your life story on the first date and bare your soul right then and there.

(Believe me, that’s the kind of stuff that’ll make him excuse himself to the bathroom…then climb out the window.)

What I mean is that when you’re trying to develop an emotional bond with a guy, you can slowly reveal the deeper layers that make up who you are.

Over time, you can gradually share your greatest fears, the people you looked up to as a kid, or the kind of life you want a decade from now.

If you feel that he’s met you halfway…

…and more importantly, EARNED the right to see that side of you…

…then don’t be afraid to open up to him.

Time it right, and he’ll be incredibly honored that you gave him that privilege.

If anything, men badly want to be accepted too, and by making the first move to put yourself out there, he’ll want to reciprocate and open himself up to you as well.


Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you... 


#3: Let Him Bask In Your Femininity


When you hear the word “feminine”, you might be thinking of qualities like wearing floral dresses, speaking in a high-pitched voice, gushing about last night’s episode of “The Real Housewives of New York City” or acting…“girly.”

But the real essence of this trait goes beyond the superficial or stereotypical.         

Being a woman in a man’s eyes is having a nuanced combination of qualities.

We’ve already covered the importance of being emotionally open in the last point, but there are a couple of others you need to know.

For instance, let’s backtrack a little bit to what I said about a man’s protective instincts.

Nowadays, your typical guy isn’t really concerned about keeping a lion from mauling his wife and offspring, but that mindset still exists in a different form.

Men still take pleasure in being able to take care of his loved ones. He derives a sense of accomplishment from that, and it’s even tied to his core masculinity.

So if you complement that with your own feminine need to have a guy “take care of you”, he’ll be more than happy to fill that role.

I’m telling you this while being well aware that you don’t need a man to carry you through life.

But I’m also saying this: if you give him the privilege to let him do it anyway

…it will encourage him to do the things a guy does for his partner.

And of course, this is ALL in the context of a healthy, emotionally balanced relationship.

And I’m pretty sure that’s what you want.

Here’s another feminine quality: be attuned to his needs, and nurture his spirit.

I can already hear some women going, “What about me? I’ve got my own needs…and I’m not about to babysit some man-child with mommy issues!”

But hear me out.

Again, if you want a balanced, functional relationship (as you should), you have to understand what guys want in a partner.

Many men are achievement-driven and results-oriented go-getters in their lives.

From a guy’s point of view, his manliness is on the line whenever he’s out there in the big, bad, world.

So at the end of the day, he wants nothing more than a loving partner who’s got his back.

He needs a woman that can help him untangle that yarn ball of emotions that he himself doesn’t always understand.

And most of all, he years for a woman who’ll ACCEPT him, shortcomings and all.

If you can bring your feminine energy into the equation and heal him this way, you’ll have a devoted partner FOR LIFE.

Now, there are other feminine qualities that attract men of course, but these two tend to be on the top of a man’s list.

Moving on to the last and biggest one…


#4: Don’t let him have “ALL” of you


I used to have a pet cat named Arlene (bless her furry little soul), and she had a toy mouse that would squeak once she “killed it.”

The funny thing was that she quickly lost interest after she did this a few times.

In her mind, she’d already satisfied her hunting instinct, so her mouse didn’t have quite have that novelty anymore.

In the same way, men have fun pursuing their partner. This is his caveman brain engaging in a social game, endlessly wanting to “dominate” his prey.

I know that might not exactly sound romantic at first, but don’t take this literally.

This is a symbolical need that men have, and it manifests itself in different ways.

For example, ever notice the way a guy gets more and more turned on when you give him “a hard time”?

You can do this in a bunch of situations, like say, giving him a little trash talk after winning at a video game or Monopoly…

… heavily flirting with him at a very public place…

…having little inside jokes between you…

…or having a humorous conversation about the stuff you don’t agree on.

These are all little ways men “test” their partner.

In his mind, he’s wondering about things like:

  • “Is she gonna be cool with me hanging out with the guys on the weekends? Or is she going to call every 15 minutes asking me where I am?”
  • “Boy, I hope she thinks my board game collection isn’t weird or anything.”
  • “Is it going to work if I’m vegan and she likes her steaks medium rare?”
  • “She’s not going to freak out when I have to work late nights once a week, will she?”
  • “She said she’s ‘not looking for anything serious’…how am I gonna change her mind??”

So he’ll try to find out by “playing” with you and see what other parts of your personality emerge.

But more importantly, he lives for the title of being The One who “caught” you.

From time to time, you can make him feel this by validating his feelings and giving him affection.

But don’t overdo it and smother him with your attention all the time.

For the most part, let HIM do the chasing.

Here’s another way to make him pursue you: have a life of your own outside of the relationship.

Get your own thing going and spend time on the other areas of your life that keep you happy and satisfied.

This reminds him that sometimes, you’re a little bit out of reach, which is how it should be.

He’ll pursue you with a passion and find ways to win you over, again and again.

There are some cases though where a guy isn’t as on-board as you’d like. And as cute as he is, you kinda want to whack him on the head for being so dense.

You might be even feeling a little helpless.

He’s pulling away from you even after you’ve pulled out all the stops and tried every trick in the book.

Well, I’m telling you right now that you haven’t tried them all.

Here’s an eye-opening free presentation that gives you the REAL DEAL on why men leave, and what makes them stay.

Fair warning: some of this stuff won’t necessarily be pleasant to hear.

But if you’re interested in the truth about how men think – and how to keep him from walking out

…you’ll need to put on your Big Girl pants and watch this video now:

Stop Him From Pulling Away and Have Him Chase You Over and Over – CLICK HERE 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

How To Make A Man Fall Madly In Love With You - 10 Tips For Making Men Desire You More

 By Slade Shaw

Author of Why Men Pull Away 
"Be the flame, not the moth." - Giacomo Casanova

We all want to be loved.

It's a human need - we yearn for that magical connection with The One Person meant for each of us.

You might be on the lookout for that guy right now, just as he's searching for someone like you.

Or maybe you're already in a relationship and you want to keep the flames of passion burning ferociously bright with your man.

Either way, you'd do well to learn the secrets to turning him on like crazy.

If you can make him feel things he's never felt with any other woman before, then he's as good as YOURS. 

How to make a man fall madly in love with you

Meet Tina

She was like most women who stumbled in the dark when it came to men and dating.

Tina, a real estate agent from Surrey, had trouble keeping a guy around.

Either he "needed space", wasn't "ready commit to something long-term" or had some equally lame excuse available.

So she jumped from one relationship to the next and fell into the same patterns over and over.

After a few weeks of getting hot and heavy, the guy was soon out the door...

...and into another woman's arms.

Her latest one was a colleague named Jeff - and like the others, things crashed and burned before it could even get off the ground.

They had a few dates and seemed to have fun (especially in bed!), but it soon fizzled out like the others.

Jeff suddenly became unavailable, dodged Tina's calls and messages...until he was out of the picture just like that.

After her last disappointment, Tina started to get desperate. She began to think there was something seriously wrong with her.

"My last REAL relationship was almost a decade ago, and I've gotten nothing but duds ever since. Maybe I pissed off the dating gods or something to deserve my rotten luck with men!"

However, Tina is anything but an isolated case. I've met - and helped - lots of women in the same boat as her.

And today, I'm going to let you in on the 10 Incredibly Effective Ways to Capture Your Guy's Heart Forever:

#1: Please his eyes

When I tell you that you need to be physically attractive to capture his interest, that doesn't means guys are shallow.

This is what I call "getting your foot in the door."

Sure, women might not prioritize looks as much as guys do.

But you can't deny that a man ALSO needs to be visually appealing on some level before feeling attracted to him.

That's not right or wrong - it's simply biology in action.

To flip those hardwired switches in him, you'll need to put in the work.

Take note that has nothing to do with being "perfect", because that's a relative concept. Every guy has a "type" and there's no ONE kind of woman that ALL men are into.

That means you WILL click with someone, one way or another.

All you need to do is take care of yourself, which is what you should be doing anyway regardless.

I could write a whole book about looking and feeling your best, but here's a quick checklist to go over for now:

  • First things first: paying attention to hygiene is non-negotiable, and so is staying fit and active. Grooming is a must, so don't neglect the basic things either. Guys need to know you care about this stuff before seeing you as a potential partner.

  • Flaunt your feminine side: experiment with different scents, keep your skin smooth and soft with lotions and use makeup when necessary (tip: less is more!).

  • Have an impeccable sense of style: The right packaging sends the right signals to his caveman brain, so keep your clothes neat and pressed. Also, choose soft fabrics that accentuate your curves - they have a soothing appeal that'll drive him crazy with desire!

#2: Create killer chemistry

To establish a strong connection with a guy (or strengthen it with a long-term partner), he needs to feel that he has a lot of common ground with you.

Does your personality and attitude give him the impression that he can open himself up to you?

And he can have conversations with you that seem to go on forever (but don't feel that way)?

Does he feel like you "get" him on a level that's deeper than anyone else he's met?

Does your sense of humor jive with his, and do you laugh at the same dumb jokes?

Do you have a burning curiosity for each other? Does he want to pick your brain and know what makes you tick - and likewise for you?

If your personality and attitude can create that type of climate in the relationship, then you're doing it right.

Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

#3: Get him to trust you

A lot of women think that getting emotionally close with a guy is as easy as sleeping with him. But jumping into bed isn't going to do the trick.

If he wasn't sure about how he felt for you BEFORE doing the deed...

...he'll feel all the more uncertain the morning after.

If you want to create an unshakable bond with your man, the first step is ACCEPTING him.

This is HUGE on a guy's list - it might even be higher than sex, if not just as important.

A man wants to feel that their partner accepts them as who he is - NOT what she wants him to be.

Women don't realize they do this in small ways, like giving him the raised eyebrow when it comes to the way he dresses.

A few helpful suggestions are fine, but don't go nuts and turn him into your personal makeover guinea pig.

The same goes for the stuff he's into or the people he hangs out with. If it's not getting in the way of your relationship, it's not worth butting heads with him over it.

#4: Be his wing(wo)man

If you want him to see you as a partner and not just a one-time fling, you need to live up to the title.

And to do that, he'll need your SUPPORT.

If he's going through a hellish time in his career or has stuff of his own to sort out, he'll need to know you've got his back.

Men tend to withdraw a bit emotionally when they're fighting some battle in their life, so don't take it personally.

He's just going into a one-track-mind mode so he can focus his energy on whatever he needs to deal with at the moment.

In the meantime, you can quietly assure him that you'll be there for him. He'll come back around after he wrestles those pesky problems into submission.

#5: Pull back

When a guy's crazy about you, the best thing to do is make yourself scarce - but just a little bit.

I'm not telling you to play the hard-to-get game where you're blowing him off on purpose just to see him squirm.

That's manipulation - and let me tell you, guys are NOT thrilled by that at all.

I'm just asking you not to "spoil" him too much and overindulge in the relationship.

Otherwise, it could throw off the balance in both your lives.

So where do you draw the line when it comes to pulling back?

An easy way to do this is by asking yourself, "Am I sacrificing my own growth, well-being or sense of individuality by hanging out too much with him?"

If your other priorities are out of whack - like your career, health or social life - then it's time to rein yourself in a bit.

Let him miss you a little and get busy being the AWESOME woman that you are.

He'd rather have someone who isn't available at his beck and call 24/7... opposed to a clingy, lovesick puppy who lives and breathes for his approval.

#6: Inspire him to action

One thing that turns on a guy is the feeling of being NEEDED.

You might be thinking, "What?? Didn't you just tell me to be a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a guy to be happy?"

Well yes, but the operative word here is "feeling".

Any guy worth your time knows darn well that you don't actually NEED him to live a full life.

He just wants the privilege of being part of it anyway.

And if you let him play the game where he gets to indulge his more brutish, masculine side, he'll love you for it.

Ask him to help you out with "guy stuff", like moving some heavy stuff around, fixing something in the house, setting up your new computer or killing that bug that flew in your bathroom.

Or you could ask him for his expertise on something, like which smart TV has true 1080p resolution or how to invest in get the idea.

Men absolutely love knowing they can do this type of thing for their partner because that's their "provider/protector instinct" kicking in.

Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

#7: Let him do his thing

The couples who've been together the longest are those who understand that they can't be together every second of the day.

This goes beyond what I said earlier about pulling back a little.

From time to time, he's going to want to go off and express himself...

...and it won't involve you.

Women who are, well, less mature, will have a hard time accepting this fact about men.

But that's exactly what you need to respect, which is his need for individuality and independence.

This factor alone can be a dealbreaker for most guys because they're secretly afraid they'll have to give those up once he commits to a woman.

So alleviate those fears and let him have his friends, hobbies and other side projects he's working on.

#8: Take a chill pill

Another thing that guys are worried about is that their partner's going to freak out when he cracks the occasional inappropriate joke or takes an off-day playing Grand Theft Auto on his PS4.

Essentially, guys are looking for that girl who won't suck all the fun out of the relationship with her drama.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's what guys are thinking - they just don't have the nerve to tell you.

You can do this by keeping it cool when something unexpected happens, like canceled dinner plans on account of an emergency.

Or it could also mean not having unspoken, arbitrary rules in the relationship that force him to walk on eggshells around you.

You know, like not flipping out when he likes a female friend's Facebook post or Instragram selfie - or on a bigger note, acknowledging the existence of other women in his life.

If you can pick your battles and let the inconsequential stuff slide, he'll be all the happier for it.

#9: Don't MAKE him fall in love with you

This may come as a surprise to a lot of women, but you can't actually tell a guy what to think or feel...

...especially when it comes to deciding whether to commit to someone or not.

Men won't be MORE compelled to stick around if he feels FORCED into it.

Pressure is never attractive. He needs to have the freedom to CHOOSE instead of feeling like he owes it to you.

This is critical in the beginning when he's still feeling things out. Try to avoid using labels like "exclusive", "girlfriend" or "committed" until you've mutually confirmed it.

And more importantly, you shouldn't punish him in some way if he's not as "on-board" as you are.

Part of being in a relationship is stepping aside and letting it happen organically.

If you try to create that closeness by sleeping with him or give him an ultimatum, he'll eventually bail out on you since it wasn't his real decision anyway.

#10: Amazing Sex (need I say more?)

You didn't think we'd skip this one, did you?

Assuming that you've bonded with him enough and the connection is there, the sexual component of your relationship is VITAL.

Without it, you might as well be platonic friends. With that, here are some essential tips you need to know:

  • Make him feel like a MAN...or THE Man, to be exact. Again, this is his caveman side we're talking about. Guys want nothing more than to please their partner - especially when it comes to that - which brings us to the next tip...

  • If he's doing it right, TELL him. If your guy's lighting you up like a Christmas tree, give him the signals. Your verbal and non-verbal cues will tell him you're on bliss island. You could even slip a little R-rated language while you're in throes of passion if you're so inclined...

  • Communication is KEY. We're approaching clichéd territory here, but it's crucial nonetheless. Maybe you've hit a roadblock in your sex life for whatever reason and it's keeping you from giving 100% of yourself to him. If that's the case, he deserves to know, but try to skip the harsh criticism and accusations. Trust me, if there's anything he can do to help things get back on track, he'll be more than willing.

  • Use the power of the "slow burn". Men love being teased as long as they know it'll lead up to the main event. Make a game out of it and don't go for the obvious erogenous zones, like down south. Bring things to a simmering boil by touching him elsewhere that's just as powerful and erotic. Or send him a quick text about what you're going to do to him later on. Anything you that builds up the anticipation will keep him eager and willing to please you.

Whether you've been together for three months or three decades, there's always plenty you can do to make him crave you like a cool drink on a hot summer day. With the right habits, you can easily cultivate the right atmosphere in your relationship.

But there are women out there whose guy is slipping away FAST - and they need to stop him from walking out the door, pronto.

In cases like that, you'll need to bring out the big guns.

You see, I've developed a system to keep a man not only interested and attracted to you...

...but make him feel like living without you is NOT an option.

After using my powerful techniques on him, he won't see any other women aside from you.

(And while he's at it, he'll stop looking at their Facebook and Instagram feeds without you asking him - just saying...)

In other words, I can teach you how to make him OBSESSED with you so the thought of leaving won't ever cross his mind.

But let me warn you that this is powerful stuff and you should only use it on the right guy.

You need to be sure that you NEVER want him to leave you.

If you're ready to take the plunge and learn why men pull away - Click here to watch my free video presentation...

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

5 Signs He's The Right Man For You

 By Slade Shaw

Author of Why Men Pull Away 

"You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand." - L.J. Smith

Tessa, a tech support specialist from Melbourne in her late twenties, has an active social life.

She often goes to sci-fi conventions, regularly holds video game marathons at her place and meets a lot of people who share the same interests - including guys.

As it was, Tessa had been single for some time and was hoping to find a partner who could complement her personality. And even though she had a lot in common with the guys in her social circles, she couldn't quite hit it off romantically with any of them.

So it was a complete surprise when Ben came along and swept Tessa off her feet.

"He's super active in the local sports scene and is very athletic, so he wasn't my type at all...or so I thought," Tessa shared with a girlish smile.

They met by chance at a charity auction set up by mutual friends, and they clicked the moment they met.

"I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but I knew right away he was different, and in a good way," she gushed.

"He wasn't like any other guy I've met, and I don't think it had anything to do with our interests. Ben has this energy and warmth about him that I absolutely LOVE."

How to spot The One

Their worlds were pretty far removed from each other, but that didn't stop Tessa from falling hard for Ben.

It's surprising how couples who seem like polar opposites at first turn out to be a perfect fit.

And most of the time, it can be a tricky business to figure out if a certain guy is a good match for you.

Considering his unique personality and quirks - along with the whole deal about mixed signals - it's hard to sift through all of that and see the signs he's MEANT for you.

So how can you tell he's your Mr. Right...or if you should keep looking?

Read on to find out...

Click here to discover the sure-fire way to make him stay... 

Sign #1: He's got your back

One thing I've noticed in a lot of couples who've been together for years is how supportive they are of each other.

It's always a good sign when a guy endlessly encourages his partner to pursue her interests and passions - no matter how "out there" they might seem.

If you see that your guy is always trying to push you forward in a HEALTHY direction - especially when you doubt yourself - that's a clear indication he's a good match for you.

When looking for a partner, it's important to find someone who wants to see you GROW and evolve. A guy who acts as a positive force in your life is worth keeping around.

Sign #2: He's part of your world

Like Tessa learned, hitting it off doesn't have much to do with how similar your personalities or interests are.

Sure, having stuff in common makes it easier to break the ice, but in the long run it's not going to keep the relationship going.

The more important factor is how willing he is to be part of your life anyway.

Tessa recalled fondly: "Ben didn't know the first thing about Star Wars, or sci-fi movies in general, but he went with me to the midnight screening of The Force Awakens with my geek friends...and we even wore matching Jedi outfits! I didn't ask Ben to do that, but he suggested the idea and I loved him for that..." If he's into you, he'll care about the things you do. He'll spend his time on them because he knows those things make you, YOU.

And that's exactly what he wants to be part of - your fun and happening life.

Sign#3: You share a special bond

You know how some couples almost seem to know what the other is thinking without saying a word?

It's amazing - and a little eerie - to see them connect at this level that no one else can.

It's not ESP or some other supernatural phenomenon - some people are empathic this way and have a kind of radar for it.

Your guy doesn't have to be psychic or have a sixth sense, nor should you expect him to be.

But if he has the awareness to at least ask you if you're ok, then that's the sign of a concerned - and CONNECTED - partner.

This is the kind of man who can sense that's there's something amiss in your inner world and respond to it.

When he picks up on your signals, he won't just ask if you're doing alright...

...he'll also want to help you get out of your funk, get the proverbial fly out of your soup...

...and basically do anything to make you right as rain again.

And the fact that he cares about what you're feeling or thinking speaks volumes of the kind of guy he is.

Sign #4: He's making the EFFORT

If a guy's important to you, he'll always be working overtime to make sure you're happy.

Men are big on making their partner feel provided for and protected, so he's going to do this in every way he can.

If he's not making plans with you and create amazing, shared experiences together...

...he'll try to help you with something that's bugging you, like your fixing your smartphone or running some errand you hate.

A guy worth keeping is one who'll do anything to take the load off your mind and make your life easier.

Another thing you might notice is how a guy will do things with you on a regular basis.

He'll take you out for morning coffee, walk your dog with you every Saturday or schedule a monthly expedition at his favorite camping spot.

If he does this, take note, because a man doesn't change his schedule that easily.

Only a guy who's in "single" mode will insist on keeping his appointments as they are.

A guy IN LOVE, on the other hand, will suddenly have all the reasons in the world to make his schedule more flexible than a contortionist at the circus.

More than that, he wants to create a shared life with you.

So it's not just what he does - it's also the amount of time he gives up and trouble he goes through in the name of your happiness.

This is one of the most precious gifts he could give anyone.

Click here to discover the sure-fire way to make him stay...

Sign #5: He makes everything AWESOME

Even the most boring, everyday things become amazing when you're with him.

Maybe you need to run to the store to get pasta noodles or pick up a package at the post office - but you wouldn't miss it for the world if he offers to go with you.

You're so attracted to each other that everything else seems to fade into the background when you're together.

He wants to know every little you were up to today, and likewise for you.

That's what being soulmates is all about - he turns the mundane into the magical by simply being there.

And when you're having the worst of days, you STILL want him around because you know he's such a positive presence in your life.

He's there to hear you rant about the crazy drama you had with a co-worker, or some other struggle you're going through.

Whatever it is, he's all ears and isn't itching to jump in with a solution to your problems.

He'll sit back, listen quietly and only speak after you're done talking.

He'll only offer his opinion when you ask for it and always make you feel like he's hearing you out.

All of these add up to the unmistakable fact that you've found The One.

Finding this kind of connection with a man is RARE, so you should pay attention when he's showing you the right signs.

More importantly, you need to make sure that spark keeps burning bright and strong with your Mr. Right.

I've seen a lot of couples who were perfect for each other, but drift apart for one reason or another.

Maybe he's not as affectionate as he was before...

...or the passion has faded...

...or he's simply going through the motions.

Worse, it might even seem that he's pulling away.

If you have a terrible feeling in the pit if your stomach that you can't ignore any longer, then it's time to know the REAL reasons Why Men Pull Away

I've put together a video that explains exactly how to recapture your man's heart before it's TOO LATE:

Watch my free presentation NOW and learn exactly what pushes men to leave...and how to NEVER feel abandoned or rejected - CLICK HERE... 

Friday, December 4, 2020

4 Reasons To Ignore A Cheating Boyfriend Test

 You may turn to a cheating boyfriend test because you feel as though your boyfriend is being suspicious. If you sit and think about these feelings, however, you may realize that you are simply being paranoid. You may be over analyzing the situation, and you may even find issues within yourself. These types of quizzes should be avoided at all costs. They simply add confusion and suspicion to your relationship. There are four main reasons to avoid these types of tests altogether.

Are you Trusting?

If you are looking into a cheating boyfriend test, you may need to turn the test on yourself. You need to ask yourself about your trust level when you look at these tests. Do you trust your boyfriend? Do you have a reason to not trust your boyfriend? If you think that you have a reason to not trust your boyfriend, you may find that their actions are not the issue. These quizzes simply make someone more paranoid, and show a lack of trust in the relationship.

So What If They're Acting Weird?

If you feel that your boyfriend is acting weird or strange, there can be a lot of different possible causes. Unfortunately, the cheating boyfriend quiz will lead you directly to one conclusion. 

If your boyfriend is acting weird, it does not mean that they are cheating on you. They may simply be going through a rough time that they have tried to hide from you. Talk to your boyfriend and take the time to understand why they are acting weird. If you rely on a test to tell you why they are acting weird, you will be doing nothing but jumping to conclusions.

Do You Have Proof?

If you think that your boyfriend is cheating on you, you must ask your self one simple question: Do you have proof? If you have solid proof that will lead you to believe that your boyfriend is cheating, these quizzes may help you clear your mind. If you are going off of a hunch, however, the quiz will simply make you more paranoid about your situation.

Are Your Friends Feeding you Hearsay or Lies?

Friends can often exaggerate. Strangers can often exaggerate. If you are relying on friends or strangers for this manner, you should completely avoid the cheating boyfriend test. The test will simply make you more paranoid, and may make you believe hunches from friends or strangers that are untrue.

You need to evaluate yourself and your relationship before you even begin to trust a cheating boyfriend test. If you already believe that your boyfriend is cheating, this quiz will simply solidify your feelings in your mind. Unfortunately, these tests never really provide hard facts to show that your boyfriend is indeed cheating on you. Think about your relationship, your boyfriend, and your feelings. If you are turning to a test to understand your relationship, you may want to reevaluate one or more of these things.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

4 Homemade Boyfriend Gift Ideas


When you are looking for a gift for your boyfriend, your first action will be to go to a store. The only ideas that you will think of are gifts that you could purchase for your boyfriend. While purchased gifts are perfect for birthdays and events, they often lack in personalization. You should consider a homemade gift to go along with the gifts that you purchase for your boyfriend. Here are 4 homemade boyfriend gift ideas for you to consider for your next gift-giving event.

A Homemade Card

A homemade card can easily be the cutest and most thoughtful boyfriend gift possible. You can make a card with your computer, using images of you both that you and your boyfriend enjoy looking at. You can also make a handmade card. These cards can be the most unique, and will stand out as incredibly thoughtful. Take the time to revive your old Òarts and craftsÓ days by making a card out of construction paper.

A Slideshow

Slideshows can be the perfect homemade gift for your boyfriend. Slideshows help you to blend words and pictures with technology. He can take the slideshow with him wherever he goes. He can watch the slideshow with or without you. This slideshow will simply help him to enjoy his memories with you, and bring them up on command.

A Scrapbook

If you like to scrapbook, why not make a scrapbook for your boyfriend? While the idea of making your boyfriend a scrapbook may seem cheesy and over the top, it can easily be the most thoughtful gift you can give. The scrapbook will help to bring all of your memories into one book. Use the scrapbook to bring attention to all of the highlights in your relationship.

Dinner and Food

When people think about a homemade gift, they think about some obvious gifts. They also fail to think of some obvious and thoughtful gifts. If you are trying to make a homemade gift for your boyfriend, turn to the kitchen. You can easily cook your boyfriend dinner, or make your boyfriend food, for his birthday.

Everyone loves to have food made for them. You can ask him for any food requests, or you can surprise him with a surprise dinner. Just take note of his favorite foods, and look to these when creating your menu.

When you make something from scratch, it shows that you love someone enough to put time and energy into their special day. Think about all of the different things that your boyfriend enjoys. Think about all of the things that you enjoy together. Incorporate these into your cards, slideshows, and scrapbooks. Simply take some time out of your day to make something special for your boyfriend. While they may enjoy most of the material things you give them, they will be sure to cherish this homemade gift the most.

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